Thursday, August 19, 2010

Summer is Over!

(contributed by: Ruth Butterfield-Winter)

So... I don't want it to end. Even though I still had a pretty structured schedule during the Summer, there was a sense of freedom; no school, lots of people vacationing so the commute was a bit lighter. There was more sunlight to go hiking and swimming and walking the dog (even though I don't have a dog - I can dream). It almost feels like there was more time in the day, well, in fact there was, if you define the day as the time when there is day light! (I went to Kaua'i.)

Ah well, The Choral Project resumed it's rehearsal schedule last Monday night and it was so nice to see everyone and meet a few new singing members. The sound of the choir is as amazing as I remember. The director, Daniel Hughes, greeted us with his usual brilliance and encouragement. Even during this first rehearsal of sound matching; to discover where the singers should stand or which part within the section they should sing, the choir took off like a bird soaring to only imagined realms.

We are preparing for a very prestigious competition in Spain late in 2011. (I will write more about that later.) Also we have a Season full of challenging repertoire to highlight the 15th Anniversary of The Choral Project's existence. This is a big year and we are all very excited.

To top it off, the Marketing Manager for The San Jose Choral Productions, Kathleen Kuebelbeck, has redone The Choral Project web site to include information about all three of the choral groups under the SJCP organization. It has not be revealed yet, but from all the buzz, I'll bet it looks gorgeous. And if you are confused, everything will be clear very, very soon.
Stay tuned ...

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