Saturday, October 22, 2011

To the airport, Take 2

The check-in counter will be open for our flight in about 40 minutes and we're lined up like groupies to a mid-night premiere. We really want to make sure we're on this flight and successfully make it to Munich, then on to Madrid. During lunch, we talked about the disappointment of not being in Spain, past choir tours and how this is really an opportunity to just be with people with whom you enjoy hanging around. And even though there was that moment of annoyance when we just got to our hotel rooms to rest at 3:00 am then got that call to tell us that we were meeting in the lounge at 4:45 am. At that moment, some of us felt that it was going to be tough to get back up get going. Then the call came that we would take the next 9:05 pm flight to Munich. At least most of us got a good night's sleep.

The 9:00 breakfast and the walk to downtown Burlingame filled some of our time. Then we checked out and stored our bags and walked back to the Broadway Grill where we had a really nice lunch with some fun conversations. Tom Johnson, our recording engineer, told us he had spoken with the captain of the flight last night. He says that they have a panel that they monitor that has to do with engine control and 3 of the 4 engines came up to 95% of take-off power but the fourth one was under 50%. Both pilot and co-pilot had eyes big as saucers because this is highly unusual. Tom says that he could feel the plane abort take-off and Rick Mixon, sitting next to him, heard Tom say, "That's not good."

Here's hoping we will be in Spain tomorrow! Most of my friends outside the choir world are asking, "Are you there yet?"

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